Surfacide vs. Autonomous
At first glance, autonomous, battery-powered UVC devices seem like the way to go, right? They’re cordless, which is convenient and seem easy to use, but as we found out in our last email, these autonomous devices are actually hard to use and disrupt workflow. Today we’re going to address why battery-powered also disrupts workflow and is another negative feature associated with autonomous devices.
Cordless devices come with a price – They’re only operational for 2 hours before the batteries run out of juice, but not only haven’t they fully disinfected the space, they need to be recharged for 15 hours, resulting in a lengthy downtime. Additionally, due to the heavy workload, the potential arises of needing to replace the costly batteries on a monthly basis, which isn’t good for the environment as well.
Contact us to learn why our Helios System delivers on ease of use, efficacy and streamlined workflow.