Surfacide vs. Autonomous

Hey EVS Technicians–did you know that autonomous UVC devices need to be controlled by a human, or trained technician like yourself, in order to be effective? While they might seem like they need the least of your attention, these devices struggle to navigate around obstacles, requiring a technician to clear the room before disinfection and reset it afterward, disrupting workflow.

Additionally, room mapping is tedious and often needs to be redone as room layouts change, while the devices rely on limited two-hour battery life. Without confirmation of delivering a lethal UVC dose to surfaces, these devices demand significant manual intervention, making them inefficient and unreliable for thorough disinfection.

Trust Surfacide, the leader in evidence-based disinfection, for ease of use, efficacy and streamlined workflow.

Contact us to learn more about why Surfacide’s triple emitter 360 solution is the best choice for your facility.