Candida auris: A Serious Global Threat

Candida auris strain

The CDC has set C. auris infections at an “urgent” threat level. Surfacide’s Helios® UV-C Disinfection System has been proven as an effective and reliable strategy to address C. auris in the patient-care environment. Candida auris. Up until recently, few have heard of this microbial agent, and even fewer healthcare facilities have experienced it. However, […]

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Because UV-C is invisible, is it impossible to validate dose delivery?

How Well is your UV-C working graphic

For our final Check the Facts topic, we are focusing on one of the most frequently asked questions we receive, “How do you know if UV-C technology is working”? Although UV-C has been utilized by healthcare facilities for decades, it’s still a largely misunderstood technology due to the inability to visually see results. In this […]

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Move over Covid, the Flu is Here With a Vengeance

Helios System in a hospital room

A month after we initially wrote about the Tripledemic and its impact on our society, it is often still the lead story in the news. As the holidays are now upon us, health officials are urging people to take precautions as the country is dealing with the triple-hitter of the flu, COVID and RSV (respiratory […]

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‘Tripledemic’ – What to Know and Should You Be Concerned?

Someone sneezing into their hand

You’ve probably seen the phrases “Tridemic” or “Tripledemic” splashed across numerous news headlines, including the widely circulated New York Times article or talked about on the evening news, the reason being doctors are worried the combination of the flu season, RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and COVID-19 will spark a “Tridemic” / “Tripledemic” this winter. There […]

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Safely Choosing and Using UV-C

Safely Choosing and Using UV-C

Q&A with Quinn Leach, Surfacide Director of Quality and Compliance As we continue on our journey to expose the myths around UV-C, it was important to dedicate a post discussing the safety requirements around the use of ultraviolet radiation. To correctly use and operate UV-C devices, it requires being properly educated, knowing the necessary precautions […]

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Will MonkeyPox Affect Schools & Universities?

A room full of school desks

Aug 29  Written By Farrell B. Melnick, PhD As the start of school inches closer, educational institutions must start planning how they will combat the new monkeypox virus rapidly traveling throughout the United States. Much has been written about changing human behavior and the fact that during prolonged medical issues, such as the COVID-19 virus, […]

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Check The Facts #4: The Power of Three

Helios disinfection system graphic

Science doesn’t lie, UV light is a direct line-of-sight technology, that is why this week we are taking a deeper dive into the physics behind using three UV-C devices compared to just one. There are 5 key elements you should ALWAYS consider when purchasing and evaluating UV-C technology: Distance, Dosage, Shadows, Time and Labor.  Let’s […]

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Not All UV-C Is Created Equal

Not all UV-C is created equal

When used effectively, UV-C has been proven over the years to be an extremely efficacious adjunct disinfection technology to manual cleaning efforts in combatting viruses and bacteria in healthcare and hospital environments. During the pandemic, UV-C gained popularity in healthcare as well as other industries and spaces including hotels, restaurants, schools, offices, sports facilities, fitness […]

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Use of Mercury Lamps Myth Debunked

Use of Mercury Lamps Myths Debunked

As part of our CheckTheFacts campaign, we want to expose another untruth out there. Mercury levels in UV-C lamps are often discussed in the UV space. Xenex and other UV companies discuss the dangers of high levels of mercury present in UV-C bulbs, but let’s unpack this claim and talk about the facts… Mercury Lamps […]

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